Create urban and rural spaces for mutualization for internet activities

internet activities

According to G. Pennequin, “we are facing significant and rapid population growth, dramatic climate change against which we must fight but to which we must already adapt”

Gilles Pennequin, in charge of cities, urban planning and…

At present, two solutions are available to private sector employees and territorial agents: to come every day to a predefined place of work whatever the transport conditions or to adopt teleworking, i.e. to stay at home (when the organization of work and especially the hierarchy authorize it). No alternative fully satisfies the economic and environmental imperatives.

Intermediate places appear, which are fixed close to home in terms of public transport, on foot or by bicycle. The “good” transport time, which makes it possible to make the break between the different activities without generating fatigue or stress, seems to be fifteen to twenty minutes.

These new generation “telecentres” are devices that have offices, meeting rooms, open spaces, but also professional services and activities. No space is dedicated to a particular individual, all adapt according to needs. They have all the high-level communication technologies, as well as all the necessary support. They are also places of socialization and even relocation. The users all live in the same territory, with which they can identify. The exchange between users on what brings them together and constitutes the framework of their common life (school, security, transport, waste, public life, etc..) represents a real tool for territorial coherence and maintenance of social ties, almost inaccessible to those who work too far from their home.

These telecentres can also be spaces for education and animation on the evolution of working methods, the exemplary nature of buildings (energy, waste, indoor air quality). These places are also available to everyone for any type of activity. A top-of-the-range video conference room can be used for the municipality as well as for solidarity actions. Experiments exist in France and abroad, but have never been carried out far enough to consider large-scale deployment

C’est le projet du Cluster « Green and Connected Cities »,…

This is an issue of creative governance of territories: how to jointly develop high-performance, united territories with a high quality of life, while protecting the environment.

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