How To Strengthen IT Security Within The Company?

IT Security

Most businesses, whether big or small, rely heavily on information systems to run their business, so any weakness in this area puts the entire business at risk.

According to a survey conducted by the CPM: 41% of companies surveyed with 0 to 9 employees and 44% of companies with 9 to 49 employees have already suffered one or more attacks or attempted computer attacks.

Share of companies by type of attack: phishing (24%), malware (20%), ransomware (16%), CEO fraud (6%). Only 17% of SMEs have means of defense and insurance against cyberattacks.

Cyberattacks often result in significant financial losses:

corporate information theft

theft of financial information (e.g. bank details)

money theft

disruption of trade (for example, inability to transact online)

loss of business or contract

A successful cyberattack can affect your bottom line, as well as your business reputation and consumer trust. Companies that have suffered an attack will also have to bear the costs associated with repairing the affected systems, networks and devices.

With such incidents now so common, the question is no longer if a business can be attacked, but when.

Will the controls and measures put in place be able to detect and stop any malicious activity in time?

Here are 5 tips to help you improve your company’s IT security:

Invest in training and educating your employees about cyber security

Most breaches happen because an employee clicks on a link or provides information. This can give cybercriminals easy access to your network.

Securing your network

By having a firewall, for example, which controls all data entering and leaving the network.

Maintain network anti-virus and anti-malware protection Anti-

virus software scans every file you open, ensuring real-time protection.

To optimize security effectiveness, it is very important to keep up to date with software updates. New threats and virus definitions are constantly changing.

Have a good backup solution

By outsourcing the backup of your data, this helps prevent the risk of losing access to your company’s files.

Protecting Your Passwords

Passwords are an important aspect of computer security. The goal is to set a standard for creating strong passwords, protecting those passwords, and how often they change.

Finally, it is important to remember that all of the above measures play an important role in maintaining cyber security. Today, the protection of computers and networks is vital for the proper functioning of the company.

Don’t neglect cyber security and don’t hesitate to invest in highly secure anti-virus, firewall and other software to protect your personal data, your company’s data and that of your customers.

However, you can also call on an external service provider to maintain your information systems.

Use an external service provider to maintain your information systems:

In order to protect your company against possible attacks, you can call on Systup to manage your information systems in order to prevent interruptions and anticipate failures.

At Systup we provide IT maintenance technicians who can work on your computers remotely. In the event of a computer hardware problem, we intervene quickly to help you in business.

If your local IT support needs assistance with any of the security procedures, we invite you to contact us today. Based in Ile-de-France, in Boulogne-Billancourt, our team of experts is at your disposal to help you.

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