Impact of new communication and information technologies on democracy

technologies on democracy

Faced with a triple change of a technical, political and cultural nature, the Assembly considers that it must contribute to the identification of the possibilities offered by the new communication and information technologies (NTCI) to better meet the needs of our societies . Their developments and their uses must present a real social utility. The new communication and information technologies must serve the promotion of freedoms, the development of citizens and their more effective participation in public affairs, foster economic development and employment, promote social and cultural progress, serve education and the acquisition of knowledge. The NTCIs must be placed at the service of people, social progress, democracy and peace.

In this context, it considers it essential:

To find a solution to the following risks: the reduction of political choice, the manipulation of consciences, the commercialization and fragmentation of the political message, the bulimia of the polls, the marginalization of parliamentary procedures, social discrimination, the control of citizens, the risk of an instantaneous but degraded democracy;

To take into account the new perspectives offered by the NTCIs to develop interactivity as a remedy for the passivity inherent in the situation of spectator of events. NTCIs offer the possibility of building a new type of two-way communication and giving rise to a new concept of “e-citizenship”;

To distinguish between what belongs to the public sphere and what must follow the logic of the market.

Consequently, the Assembly invites national parliaments to promote a policy which takes account of the following guidelines:

At the legal level

Recognize and identify the complexity of new situations;

Guarantee that the existing law is sufficient to deal with these new situations;

As necessary, modify the current legislation and propose a more suitable one;

Avoid the establishment of complex and inapplicable rules which would slow down the evolutions and developments of the NTCIs necessary for the common good. When it is necessary to regulate, the principle of proportionality is essential in order to establish a fair balance between the measures and the objectives to be achieved.


Ensure the learning of NTCI from an early age within the education and school system, public and private. The necessary funds will have to be released so that the public sector has all the appropriate means. The equality of opportunity due to citizens whatever their social condition is at this price;

Make computer equipment covering all the possibilities of national and international networks available to citizens in places accessible to all and at prices compatible with the reality of the most modest purchasing power;

Provide national parliaments and decentralized communities with the equipment necessary for the development of elected-citizen consultations, thus ensuring greater participation of the latter in political decision-making;

Promote in their national legislation the appropriate measures defining the legal framework for the protection of private data, the protection of minors, respect for ethical rules and human rights

In addition, the Assembly invites national parliaments to inform it each year of the measures taken or in the process of being drawn up relating to the various situations created by the NTCIs. This with a view to their presentation and discussion at inter parliamentary conferences organized by the Parliamentary and Public Relations Committee.

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